Author Archives: Elliot and Terice

With the increasingly impressive developments in machine learning and consequently, deep learning algorithms, we are seeing amazing new kinds of data modeling that is producing better-tailored results for a wider range of specific data processing requirements. With the help of DevOps and MLOps, deep learning has furthered its reach in various kinds of individuals and industries alike. From bespoke IT services to containerization through docker-based applications (you can read up OpenShift vs. Kubernetes to see how they can help your management processes), there have been massive improvements in both personal and business fronts! Nonetheless, technology has also been branching out to produce new solutions from these data models. Therefore, I am going to show you how some intelligent people are tricking deep learning algorithms into doing new things. Pretrained and Finetuned Deep Learning Models When you want to create an application that requires deep learning technologies, one option is to…

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Batteries can be described as a portable power source. Items that can also be plugged into the mains can often be powered by a battery when taken out and about. Button cell batteries are often used in devices as a back-up source of power when other batteries run out, or there is a power cut, and the mains supply is interrupted. This is important with clock radios where you want the time to continue rather than pick-up where it left off after the power cut or even default to Noon or zero. Practicing safety measures when manufacturing and handling batteries is very important. No matter what kind of batteries are being used, they involve some chemical components that need to be managed with caution. Most manufacturing units in this industry make sure to use adequate safety equipment such as gloves (available from reliable providers like unigloves), safety goggles or face…

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This space will be reserved for a few of the technological advancements that have been made in the field of space exploration. From Neil Armstrong’s giant leap for mankind to man being able to explore Mars using Space Rovers. Pioneers Two brave pioneers spring to mind when you think of spaceflight. Russian Cosmonaut Uri Gagarin became the first man in space on 12 April 1961, orbiting it for 108 minutes in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Previously only un-manned missions had been carried out. The first man-made object to land on the moon had been the Soviet Union’s Luna 2 on 13 September 1959. It was not, however, until 20 July 1969 that man arrived there in person and was able to walk its surface for the first time in history. A crew from the United States achieved it with Neil Armstrong, who uttered the famous words, “One Giant Leap for…

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Sometimes using social media technology can spoil a relationship, should we post something unromantic or not remotely funny, but the upside of this technology is that it can provide useful tools to help discover romance in the first place. This can be in the form of dating websites or even the development of pheromone products, like the ones sold by True Pheromones, which could help someone increase their attractiveness. This article will explore 4 ways that technology has helped with dating. How it has allowed users to discover that special person, who has then gone on to become their lifelong companion who gives them the reason to go to bed early or to get up in the morning. Early Computer Dating Services It was in 1959 that a Stanford student project was to create the first ever computer dating service. They used an IBM 650 to determine the similarities between…

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With so many apps to choose from, it might be helpful, useful even, to consider those which have the most use in today’s world. That is not necessarily because they help us in business but because they make our social lives more exciting and fulfilling. That being said according to other blogs like they have highlighted how using apps can be very beneficial in having a more successful business, showing how there are many uses to mobile phone apps. After all, entertainment can be cheap and just an app away. TikTok As one of the most downloaded apps of 2020, TikTok is something to talk about. Previously known as, TikTok is a social medium platform that allows its users to create, share, and discover the music videos of others. This platform can come in handy especially to influencers to promote their products and services. Most of them tend…

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We perhaps take it for granted that despite having been born with less than perfect vision, we can continue to have it corrected by lenses, or more permanently elect to have it corrected by laser eye surgery. This was not always the case. This article will explore how technology has changed in optometry. Early Lenses 13th century examples exist from Europe of handheld convex lenses that were used in the treatment of presbyopia, or vision loss that was age-related. Today, this treatment is normally wearing reading glasses as treatments are still developing for this. However, there is monovision. That presbyopia surgery option should help those suffering from presbyopia to see both distant and near objects without reading glasses. That might be worth looking into. In Italy, lenses were glass-blown and set in in leather, wood, or animal horn. The glass would be held against the face or perched upon the…

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A mystery surrounding the space around our cosmic region is unfolding thanks to evidence of supernovae found in deep-sea sediments. According to a scientific study which shows the Earth has been travelling for the 33,000 years through a cloud of faintly radioactive dust. The study suggests that these clouds could be remnants of previous supernova explosions, a powerful and super bright explosion of a start. Researchers searched through several deep-sea sediments from two different locations that date back to 33,000 years using an extremely sensitive instrument called a spectrometer. They found clear traces of the isotope iron-60, which is formed when starts die in supernova explosions. Iron-60 is radioactive and completely decays away within 15 million years, which means any iron-60 found on Earth must have been formed much later than the rest of the 4.6 billion year old earth and appeared here from nearby supernovae before settling on the…

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